
Sunday 27 March 2011

Back on the blog scene

Sorry, sorry, sorry haven't blogged for ages. This is because I just haven't felt in the mood somehow. There seems to have been a lot of the minor dramas which make up family life going on, not sure if I can remember what happened when, so here it is all a bit jumbled up:

Saturday before last we went for a nice afternoon out by the river but someone got into such an almost-a-teenager strop it turned into a horrid afternoon which only began to improve once ice-cream appeared on the scene. P & J then went out for the evening ten pin bowling with 'other church' & I enjoyed the peace & quiet.
The next day at church I took the bull by the horns & asked the person I thought wasn't speaking to me if they weren't speaking to me. This resulted in a conversation at the end of which each of us thought the other was mentally deranged. However I felt better for having got it into the open & today they did come & have a conversation with me. There is plenty to talk about at church as the work on the building is well underway. Last week the pews on one side were taken out & the people who normally sit there looked so shocked & lost when they came in - 'Where do we sit now?' Glad they haven't got to my corner now. Today something else dramatic had happened but I'll tell you when I get a photo.
Going back to the previous Sunday there was an awesome evening service at 'other church' where the minister felt God wanted to do some healing & abandoned his talk & there were people to pray with sick people & I felt really touched by God, it really felt like something lifted off my back. Afterwards two people said they'd come round my house & pray with me & they did last Friday. They recommended some CDs which I've got but haven't listened to.
Tonight we had a really good time at 'other church', they had something called cafe church where they have coffee & cakes & they had a singer who was really, really good. J scoffed lots of cakes but otherwise read his book until I grabbed it away from him. At the end we were all singing the song 'This is the Day the Lord Has Made' with great gusto & J was looking at us like 'My parents are weird'.
'Other church' is great, we love it but the youngsters all seem bored.
Usual church is in a stange place at the moment but is where we've been going for aeons & J's happy there.
Suppose it will all work itself out.

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