
Thursday 18 June 2009

Yesterday evening we went for the first time to a new dentist. Mavis has recently started going to them & we decided to try them because while in my opinion our old dentists was never all that close to the top of the hill it's definitely been sliding further downhill recently. I won't bore you with the details. Anyway yesterday poor Mavis had to have 4 teeth out & false teeth fitted & we had check-ups. Going in for a check up with P wasn't really a good idea because he never has to have anything done. So he went first & was fine & while the dentist was peering into my mouth & ordering 6 x-rays & muttering that he could try & redo the root canal which he reckoned the last dentist bodged but it wouldn't be easy & they might have to take the tooth out in the end & that upper molar has a hole & that crown's definitely dodgy but perhap's he'll leave it for now, during this P was brightly saying 'It's funny how I never need anything doing & Liz nearly always does' & I lay there contemplating which part of his anatomy to kick.
Then I got up too quickly from the chair & went to see how Mavis was & everything was going black before my eyes & I was trying not to let her see I was almost fainting. She was a bit shaky but not too bad really considering. They had real trouble with my x-rays as my mouth is very small which is part of the reason I have so much trouble with my teeth - they're crammed in too close together. But apart from all that the dentist was very nice & it was much brighter, more modern & high tech (they even had a computer!) & cheaper than our old one.
Then we took Mavis home picked up an Indian take-away, P brought his Dad over & we ate it.
As you can see the diet's really on track!

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