
Tuesday 28 February 2017

Mavis unwell

The other thing that happened last week was that Mavis's day centre phoned on Monday (Mavis being elderly friend from previous church, we sort of help her out a bit). Anyway P answered and this woman who worked there said:

"Mavis is complaining of shortness of breath and chest pains what should we do?"

What should they do? What should they do? Phone an ambulance is what they should do.

P had to phone the GP and then phone the day centre  and say the doctor said to call an ambulance before they would actually do so. An ambulance turned up and whisked her to hospital with blue lights flashing. At least they were taking it seriously.

Anyway she was in hospital a few days and I felt frustrated cos with my cold I couldn't visit and P had to keep popping down to feed Cyril the cat then she came home and they still hadn't decided exactly what was wrong - an unexplained 'episode' they said. She seems to be ok now although in general she seems to be slowly declining somehow.

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