
Tuesday 13 May 2014


Had a busy week-end as went to a ladies' get-together at church on Saturday morning, organised by Melanie. I took Becky (well actually she gave me a  lift and pushed me around but I bought her ticket). We ate sandwiches and cakes then there was a very thought-provoking talk relating to some fair-trade issues as a result of which we're not buying Tetley tea any more. Apparently some of their workers are so poorly paid that when someone comes along and offers to give them a week's wages to take their daughter off to 'get a good job in the city' they feel they have to accept.

In the evening we went bowling with Family Housegroup (well I sat and watched being incapapable of any of the actions required to take part). I was totally unaware that J was good at bowling but he came joint top in his lane and P won in his. Wow.

Sunday morning was church and a man and his wife with quite a well known healing ministry came to speak. She had this 'word of knowledge' about someone and as she was speaking I just thought 'that's me' and she said all this moving stuff about how Jesus is saying that He came and died to heal people like me and I might be thinking it can't happen but it can and  I started crying. There's a wonderfully 'huggy' woman called Mary at our church and she came and hugged me and prayed with me and one of our pastors did too. There was all this pain just coming out. God is awesome, he really is.

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