
Saturday 9 March 2013

Water, wasteland and washing machine

Yesterday we had a lot of rain. This morning P and I went to the Farmer's Market (where we got venison and rabbit) and we kept saying 'Look at that!' as we passed flooded fields.

P is outside clearing the wasteland and tending a fire.

J is slumped on the sofa saying he's got a headache.

I feel I've done nothing particularly productive so far today.

Washing machine gone wrong, hopefully P can sort it or else we'll have to call out that really nice Dyson engineer. I like him because he said that unlike most of the machines he deals with mine was clean (should have seen it 10 mins before he arrived). Also he has this really strange tendency to arrive when he said he would and one time he called in when he was passing because he'd just had inspiration about what the problem might be. Wow!

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