
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Church picnic

On Sunday was the Church Picnic. A chance to relax in a beautiful garden with a private swimming pool and enjoy some nice food and pleasant conversation with your friends.

I've been dreading it.

This is because it somehow tends to happen that Mavis and I get left sitting on our own. When you can't walk around and talk to people and you rely on them to come and talk to you and they don't it's well, just a bit difficult to handle.

P had said from the start he didn't want to go but J really really wanted to go as he loves the pool and Tim was going. Anyway in the end P did come and the boys had a great time. And while P was roaming round with the camera doing a David Bailey act Mavis and I sat on our own. And while P pushed me around a bit so I could see J having fun in the pool and so I could chat to a few people Mavis sat on her own. 

I think people just don't realise what it's like.

Anyway, also at the picnic was our possible new assistant minister.

And he came over and sat with Mavis and me and talked to us. And Mavis who can do quite a good job of looking miserable actually cheered up and chatted to him.


He's nice.

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