
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Adjusting to our different circumstances

People are asking me how I'm coping with having P under my feet all day but it's not like that really. I'm happy to have him here. It is though a big adjustment for both of us. I'm having to get used to not having much time to myself any more when I'm used to having a lot of it, too much really. 

P is missing his colleagues and the camaraderie of work. I've got used to not having many people to chat to but for him it's a sudden loss.

He's got to write his cv and try and plan exactly what sort of work he wants to do and all that.

It's stupid really but P's doing the school run now and I was thinking last night that I might never do it again although I almost certainly will. I was just thinking that actually the school run is the main thing I do with my life and now I don't do it any more and started crying which is silly cos it's great not having to get up so early in the morning. Really I've done well managing to do it all these years in spite of so often feeling so ill.

It's just all sort of happened so quickly. P had been thinking about early retirement and then suddenly he was made redundant and it was taken out of his hands.

And there is the slight issue that there was a communication breakdown at P's work so his lump sum which we need to get the car has been held up. Meanwhile our current car is literally falling apart.

I'm just going to trust in God to work it all out and find P some suitable part time work and me something to do with my life that's stimulating and for our money to come through quickly.

After all He got my keys out of the shed.

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