
Friday 20 February 2009

I didn't want anyone at church to know I was having my heart monitored as I'm sure it'll be ok & I didn't want any fuss but on Wednesday at the coffee morning someone said she was going to visit an old man from church who's in hospital. As she was going to the hospital just to see him & it's 10 miles & his ward is right next to the cardiac clinic I felt I ought to say that we'd visit him after my appointment. So my cover was blown. The staff at the clinic were really nice. I was quite fascinated by the monitor & kept sitting there saying 'My pulse is 89, now it's 90, now it's 86...' 'Have you really not got anything better to do?' asked P. I had to take it back in yesterday & I go in a couple of weeks to get the result.
The old man wasn't too bad but he is just getting very frail. I find it so hard to know what to say to people in hospital. We seem to have done a lot of hospital visiting over the last few years somehow.
J seems to have spent most of half-term playing with his friends & not doing his homework. But really I think that's what he should be doing at 10 years old, playing. I'm sure we didn't get anything like that much homework when I was at school. A lot of is because of the SATs, I think. Still at least they've stopped the ones at 14 so they're the last ones he'll do. Next exams will be GCSEs (unless he decides to do some piano exams). He went to a party last night & the girl's mum phoned & said he wasn't well. He suddenly seems to have developed a cough & is lying weakly on the sofa murmuring 'Please change my DVD Mum'.
Meanwhile the kitchen has turned into a carpenter's workshop as P is making cupboards for J's room. There is dust everywhere & every few minutes we have to put on ear defenders but it'll be good to have the cupboards.
The sun has been shining a bit today & the crocuses are coming out in our containers. Spring is on the way.

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