
Monday 9 February 2009

Can't believe it's almost a week since I wrote anything. P's Dad was really ill at the beginning of the week & we were very concerned about him but then he suddenly picked up & is doing very well now. He must have an amazingly strong constitution. He might be coming home on Wednesday. Hope he's well enough to cope as I really can't do much for him. He has carers 3 times a day & P pops over before work plus takes him his dinner & puts him to bed but there are still several hours when he's alone.
It is now pouring with rain which is a bit of a change from snow.
Someone from the council is coming on Thursday to evaluate house for council tax. When J was at preschool they used to have something called 'tidy-up-time' at the end. We are now having BIG 'tidy-up-time'! Actually I really overdid it today & made my back worse (it had been better until I went to church yesterday - those pews!) & also my feet are aching a lot. But P noticed it was a bit tidier!
We have been extricating Digger from his tube & getting him to play with us. Think he's getting more used to us. J still nervous with him but hopefully it'll get better.
Had major 'not wanting to go to school' crisis with J. Supposed to go in to talk to teacher last week but couldn't cos of snow. Seems to centre round being bored with Maths & Science. Teacher said he could find harder Maths for him but not science. I've found a website where you can buy some science projects so I might give that a try. Weds night is open evening but quite a lot of other stuff I want to talk about eg one of new boys seems to have major problem with forming relationships & is quite physically violent & I'm not that happy about my child being pushed half way across the room. It's awkward as I do feel sorry for this boy who seems to have some issues with his home life but he does seem to have hurt several of the boys & I don't know how much the teachers know about it but they need to do something.
Went to doctor today, he's arranged for me to have bone scan as rib broke so easily. Also having 24 hour ECG next week to check out heart as still 'flutters' sometimes. All good fun!
J played piano solo in assembly on Friday. Said went well but 'nobody knew what it was meant to sound like anyway!'

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