
Saturday 10 January 2009

We have had a very heavy frost here as well as freezing fog for the last few days. It's very beautiful, the trees especially look lovely with their branches and twigs encased in white crystals but brrr it's cold! My Dad is staying with us and he's used to much more warmth than we currently have (although it's a lot, lot warmer than the caravan. I think we'd have died this winter in the caravan). He's sleeping under a duvet, 2 sleeping bags & a bedspread.
The funeral was on Thursday and it went very well. It was a lovely service in a beautiful old Anglican church. By coincidence they had the hymn 'The King of Love my Shepherd is' which we had at both my Mum's & Dorothy's funerals. My little niece who has Down's syndrome was so sweet as they walked out at the end, she was smiling & waving at everyone.
It was good to see my brother's extended family, although it was a shame it was under such sad circumstances, & put some faces to names we've been hearing about for years. They are all so nice & really include us as part of the family. My nieces had both their remaining grandparents, all their aunts & uncles & all their cousins there at the same time.
It's all very hard for my brother's mother in law who has her own health problems . Two of her daughters are staying with her for a while but she'll have to work out long term what she's going to do. All the family are very caring but they live such a long way away.
My Dad travelled back with us & is staying until Monday. I'm really, really not feeling good at the moment which is making it hard for me to entertain Dad although he seems to be coping ok. He went out shopping by himself this morning & P & J also went out so I just stayed in bed.
The weather's supposed to have got warmer today but it doesn't feel like it. I think I'll just hibernate until April.

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