
Wednesday 14 January 2009

Was packing J's school bag at 8.25 this morning & found a note reminding us that Gym Trail starts at 8.45 on January 14. 'I must put that somewhere to remind me' I thought & then suddenly realisation dawned 'It is January 14!!' Mad rush to defrost car & get to school. For some reason my reversing skills had completely gone to pot & there were several detours into the bushes & up the bank on the way up the drive. Still he was only a couple of minutes late in the end.
Yesterday he asked if he could go to a different school. The reason is, he says, the work is too boring & he's done it all before & it's obviously meant for Year -200 rather than Year 6. I asked him if he ever mentioned to his teacher that he found it too easy & he said no. I think we're going to have to go in for another parent-teacher chat.
Have been feeling very low lately but this morning definitely feeling a bit better, despite fog & frost.
Went to coffee morning, quite a lot of people there, went quite well. Felt guilty as I didn't go to house group yesterday as I didn't feel up to it & apparently they were depending on me to lead the discussion. I thought they'd be ok as 2 of the others were in church for the sermon but apparently they didn't take any notes as they saw I was taking them. Oh dear. Perhaps they'll never ask me to lead the discussion again which would be ok as I don't really like doing it. I never know how to handle it when nobody says anything when I ask them a question or even worse when someone brings up a red herring & the discussion goes completely off-track. Some of us just aren't cut out to be discussion group leaders.
J has given up both basketball & French club which is a shame but he was the only Year 6 left in both of them & he suddenly got really self conscious about it. I'm going to brush up my O-level French & work through the rest of his book with him at home. It would be a shame for him to forget what he's learnt. I spoke to his teacher & she said he's done really well & the work he's been doing this term is GSCE level. I hope he doesn't get bored at senior school if he has to go back to the beginning.
Dad went back on Monday. I think he quite enjoyed his time here, just a shame it was so cold. He said he's seen a different doctor who thinks he does have angina. He's put on a lot of weight again which is a bit of a concern. He's never really managed to be careful about what he eats. Talking of which I now weigh a pound less than I did before Christmas, which is pretty good I think. One day I'll get back into my jeans.

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