
Saturday 8 November 2008

J ended up being out or busy Mon, Tues , Weds & Thurs so still had to do some homework Fri morning which wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't woken up late. He realised he had more homework than he thought & it was all writing. He got in a real strop about it which made us late. We are supposed to pick Tim up from the Village Hall on Fridays as both he & J go to "Gym Trail" at 8.45, this is a sort of activity thing at school for children with co-ordination problems or some sort of learning difficulty. We arrived at 8.44 & there was no sign of Tim so assumed he'd gone on, I dropped J off & was driving home when I saw Tim walking from Village Hall - they were even later than us. I picked him up & took him to school. As I parked I said 'Watch out there's a car coming' quite casually as J is very careful about opening the door, the next thing I knew Tim had swung it wide open so other driver had to slam brakes on, he then calmly walked across in front of car! It's an interesting thought as to who would be liable if car had hit our door - would it be us or Tim's family? Probably if a child's in your car your're responsible for his behaviour, I'd better watch out in future.
I then went to doctor as my eyes are still being troublesome. He looked at my eyes through magnifying glass & told me to look at him. His face just looked so funny magnified I couldn't stop laughing. Anyway he said I've got 'dry eyes' which means my eyes aren't making enough tears so I might have to put eye drops in my eyes several times a day for the rest of my life. The only thing is I hate putting things in my eyes. Still there are worse medical conditions to have.
After school took J to town to get his hair cut. I let him say how he wants it done now & he's so funny about it, it didn't look too bad afterwards, just a little bit long. On the way there I almost did something terrible - I nearly ran into a guide dog with my scooter. It doesn't get much worse does it? They're talking about introducing driving tests for scooter drivers, perhaps they should. Anyway I missed it, that's the main thing.
I let J go ahead to 'Game' while I looked in a couple of shops. When I got to 'Game' J was playing on the xbox360 with another boy, they both had red hair, red sweaters & grey trousers, the only thing was J was 6 inches taller.
J then went for a foot long subway & went home & ate pasta for dinner. Where does he put it all?

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