
Sunday 20 July 2008

Toxic psychosis and plumbing

We live on what is meant to be a smallholding but is currently a wilderness. At the top of our drive is the  bungalow where P's dad lives. Part of the reason for moving here and building the house was to keep an eye on him. A few weeks after Christmas he gave us something of a scare. P went over to put him to bed one night and found the house in disarray. The back door was hanging off its hinges and the kitchen had a general air of having been partly dismantled. P's dad was in the toilet taking the seat off. He was behaving in a bizarre fashion and seemed to have an obsession with fixing things. P called the emergency doctor who asked if any of us had any medicine with a sedative effect which we could give him. Deciding not to follow this advice P called an ambulance and his dad was persuaded to get in by telling him it needed fixing. We were really worried that he'd had a stroke or something but it turned out it was his leg infection getting bad again and the toxins were affecting his brain. After some very strong antibiotic treatment and a few weeks in hospital he was back to his old self which was a relief although it wasn't long before he was back in hospital with a chest infection. He celebrated his 89th birthday in May and is doing well although his mobility isn't as good as he'd like. He has stopped using the powered hedge-cutter (leaning on his walking frame with the other hand) which is a relief to me. I really, really wouldn't want to deal with the blood.
The run-up to Easter was largely taken up with getting the plumbing done and getting the water connected to the house. Our plumber (who is also Akela for J's cubs) did a very good job but it has to be said that the behaviour of the Water Board was at times appalling and for this appalling behaviour we got charged a great deal of money. And they expected tea.

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