
Sunday 27 July 2008

It is hot. Very, very hot. Yesterday I took J swimming along with his friend Tim and his little sister and Mum, Becky. There's a lady at church who lets us use her swimming pool which is wonderful and very useful for me as it means it's only a short distance from the car to the water. Sadly she's not very well now and I get a bit nervous about the children making too much noise but yesterday they were fine. J's swimming is really coming on which is very good especially as he's never had a swimming lesson. They don't do them at his school and I've never managed the practicalities of getting him to lessons and P is sensitive to chlorine. So J has taught himself to swim and has done incredibly well. While we were there P was tiling the bathroom floor which isn't a fun job at all but he's getting on well with it. After we got home we had to go to Topps tiles to get some more tile cement. While we there we were looking at wall tiles. They've got some really nice ones these days , we especially liked the glass ones and you can get tiles with cut-outs in them that you can fill with a glass tile. In fact there's lots of really good effects you can achieve. Plenty to think about.

What's really good about it being so hot is I'm getting the washing dry. I still haven't got used to the sheer luxury of having a washing machine again. It was six long years without one and it was really difficult at times. Dragging heavy bags of washing to the laundrette would set me back for days and I would sometimes have to hang around the car park for ages waiting for a space immediately outside the door. Sometimes people from church helped out especially over the last year or so someone regularly did the washing for me which was wonderful. But having my own machine is infinitely better, I can just do it whenever I want. When J gets back from swimming I can just bung it in the machine to rinse. Bliss!
Anyway the reason why I'm trying to get all the washing done at the moment is because we're going away. We're not going to Ibiza or Majorca like everyone else. We're going to Peterborough!
If you know Peterborough it might not immediately strike you as being a holiday destination but there's a reason for us going there. More in a moment.

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