
Sunday 27 July 2008

Off to Faith Camp

The reason we're going to Peterborough is because we're going to something called 'Faith Camp'. This is a big Christian conference run by Kingdom Faith Ministries which is based at Horsham (

It runs every year and when we heard about it on PremierRradio last year it sounded so good we decided to go this year. For various reasons all three of us have an aversion to camping - one of us doesn't like the prospect of being kept awake by other campers, one doesn't want to get wet and one has had enough of roughing it and if the one who doesn't want to get wet did get wet he could make it one of the most miserable weeks of her life so we're staying in a hotel and we'll have lovely breakfasts and baths or showers! Luxury!

I don't really know what to expect at Faith Camp, apparently sometimes people have awesome experiences with God there and I'd really like that to happen to all of us. Over the last couple of years God has done some amazing things in my life. He actually healed me of some of my symptoms, the most notable being my food allergies. I'd been sensitive to potatoes, rye, oats, barley and corn and also to mould (including if I breathed in mould spores). And they just went! Just like that! And then He healed me of the really bad pain that used to run up my right leg from my ankle to my hip. That just completely went too. 

That was two years ago and He's done an awful lot in my life since then but there hasn't been any more physical healing and I'm still ill and in pain. But I still keep thinking He is going to heal me, I just don't know when and I have to keep trusting Him.

It's really hard when I tell people about the healing I've had so far they look at me strangely and I can see they're thinking why would God only half heal me? But I think perhaps healing is sometimes a long process and God isn't just interested in our physical well-being he's interested in every aspect of our lives and I've got a lot of 'aspects'.

I have to trust Him whatever happens.

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