
Sunday 15 March 2020

Uncertain times

So where do I start?

Well of course the thing that's on all our minds right now is Coronavirus. It's been approaching with a horrible inevitability and now it's been unleashed in the UK. The thing is at the moment no-one knows exactly what's going to happen and it must be hard for the politicians to decide what to do.

The panic buying has been horrible. Being someone with health issues I use hand sanitiser on a regular basis eg after using an ATM. As I was getting low I innnocently went out to get some and... there was none! Not any anywhere. And hand sanitiser is appearing for sale at extortionate prices on Ebay and other sites and you can't get much of a sadder reflection of our society than that.

And then there was no tissues, paracetamol, hand wash, soap, pasta, tinned tomatoes, toilet paper etc etc. Ok people might need to buy a little bit more but people piling their trolleys high with multiple packs of the same thing isn't necessary.

We tend to keep our cupboards well stocked with food anyway because it is possible for us to get snowed in and not be able to get to the shops. We might run out of a few things but we haven't been bulk buying. We'll just use up whatever we've got.

At the moment one member of my extended family probably has the virus though not too badly. A friend's nephew also has it.

It's my elderly family and friends that are on my heart especially my dad and uncle and  Mavis. If any of them get it I may simply never see them again.

We have already cancelled plans to go to Wales for Easter and we had been planning to go to Ireland in May (have booked cottage) and ferry and that's looking unlikely. 

Uncertain is really the word that describes things at the moment.

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