
Friday 19 October 2012

Out of the comfort zone

Yesterday I did quite a lot of tidying and made and iced 36 cupcakes and today I made a pineapple upside down cake and a fatless sponge. (One of the women coming here can't eat dairy products). I also pressed the cushion covers I made and did a bit of hoovering (or should it be dysoning?), cleaned the bathroom a bit, made poached egg on toast, went round Waitrose with P and then went with him to get J from school. I'm tired.

What I should be doing now is typing the minutes of the Pastoral Care Meeting which will be the last time I do it. This is because in a few weeks time we are leaving our church. We are going to be part of a new church 'plant' from other church. We have been praying about this for a long time and really feel it is what God wants us to do and it is exciting being part of a new church but over the last two weeks we have been telling people that we are leaving and it is so hard. I can tell a couple of people (including Mavis) are really upset. I am still going to go to the coffee morning and we'll pop back and visit sometimes so we'll still see people. On Monday when we had the meeting here they made the date for the next meeting and it was for after we will have left and that's when it hit me that we are really going. The next morning I had to tell my housegroup which was hard as well. The leader said she's really going to miss me and with the group now going down to four will they be able to carry on? We are hoping that when the new associate minister starts his wife might join the group.

Apparently it was announced at the churchmeeting last night so now everyone knows.

Our minister has been really good about it and said we're always welcome back any time.

Sometimes God really take sus out of our comfort zone.

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