
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Brownie battles

And this is the cafe/shop in York where we had the most amazing brownies...which brings me to the subject of today's blog.

It is rare for P and I to have an argument but when we do I like to be the one in the right.

We've got all these people coming to our house on Saturday (25 at last count) ok. So P is busy doing various jobs in the house he's been putting off for years - sorting out loft, re-upholstering chairs, finishing off stairs etc while I've almost finished making the cushions I started 2 years ago and we finally got round to getting a new cover for the futon and we're doing a lot of general sorting & tidying etc etc., well I'm trying to do my best without getting exhausted and hurting my foot. As well as this we have to prepare some food and J suggested I make some brownies (last week I took a box of my brownies to the youth club and they literally disappeared in 30 seconds).

Anyway this morning P went shopping and came back with some brownies - they were on special offer - 29p each and I said what on earth was he doing buying brownies when I could make them so much cheaper and he said that he didn't think he could and I said of course I could etc etc. Then just to prove him wrong I sat down and worked out the cost of me making a brownie the same size and it was - 44p! 44p I can't believe it. When did ingredients get to be so expensive? And how humiliating to be so wrong. 

I bet they won't taste as nice.

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