
Wednesday 8 October 2014

Wet Wednesday

It's very, very wet here. Drive turning into a river. was surprised by how many people turned up at coffee morning despite rain.

Mavis has increasingly been having problems with mobility. After watching her wobble down her drive with her walking stick then collapse in a heap we managed to find her a walking frame on freecycle which has transformed her life. Anyway last Friday her carer took her and Blackie to the vets. Blackie was sick in his cat carrier and the carer said she couldn't carry him into the vets as the smell was making her feel sick. So Mavis decided she could manage with her stick in one hand and Blackie in his carrier in the other. She and Blackie crashed to the ground. This caused a great deal of concern at the vets. Blackie was ok but understandably a bit shaken and had er added to the biological fluids in his carrier. I manged to get Mavis an urgent appointment at the doctors, urgent appointments being like gold dust, ('Should I ask my about flu jab while I'm in there she asked', 'No,'I said)  and they said she was just badly bruised.

Please Mavis don't do that again.

J has started going to an Alpha course at his church. Enjoyed it he said.

In fact last night while he was there and P was at a governor's meeting I was at home alone which is very unusual these days. felt like I should get up to some sort of mischief but couldn't think of anything apart from eating a flapjack (I managed to make some yesterday!)

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