
Wednesday 16 October 2013

English assessment!

Here I am back after not blogging for ages and feeling a teensy bit stressed. Why? Because today J has an English assessment. Repeatedly over the last few weeks I've asked him if he had everything prepared for it and he's grunted 'yes'. This morning at 7.15 I was woken by him coming into my room saying 'I forgot to do my planning sheet' (the sheet they're allowed to take in with them).

"Why don't you look at that English Revision Guide I got you, it's on the trolley in your room, it might help you do it," I said.

J went into his room, looked on the trolley, not there he said.

P went and looked, not there he said. With a deep sigh I got out of bed and looked - there on the bottom shelf was a book entitled 'GCSE English Revision Guide'.

'Didn't know you meant that one,'said J.

'Didn't think you meant the bottom shelf,' said P.

There followed an interlude during which it emerged J didn't even know if it was an English Language or Literature assessment. Having ascertained it was Language there were several minutes of him scouring the web to find tips on doing his planning sheet and me going through the Revision Guide and the books on 'Mice and Men' I got him which I don't think he's ever read. I found a couple of pages that were relevant to him. 

He read them and said "Ok I've just learnt something I didn't know, that's useful. "

"Don't you want to take it in the car to read it again?" 

"No, I've read it once I've remembered it." (???)

I think I'm going to be doing some frantic praying this morning but I get the feeling he'll probably do ok.

This whole scene really reminds me of someone. My brother.

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