
Wednesday 3 July 2013


Haven't been able to type recently as fingers achey and had eye-strain; latter probably due to spending last week and this simultaneously watching one tennis match on TV and one on the laptop. 

So relieved Andy got through this evening. Phew!

At coffee morning today. A bit sad as one lady who regularly attended died last week. She had been at 'old church' for years and years, since before my time. She had a liver transplant over 20 years ago and was amazing - doing loads of charity work, gardening, painting, holidays abroad etc. She had a hip replacement a few weeks ago and there were some complications but she had recovered well and was back home when she collapsed - her liver just gave up. Still I don't think she would have felt any pain.

This morning one of the ladies at coffee had a funny turn - got a pain in her back, went clammy and a bit confused. A bit scary really. They called a paramedic but we went home and left them to it and haven't heard outcome yet.

Man who runs it was back for a visit. Recovering well after his stroke but not back to his usual self.

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