
Saturday 9 June 2012

Jubilee,floods in Wales and the GCSE that isn't happening

What a wet week we have had! Really glad we didn't go up to London on Sunday to watch the Jubilee Pageant, people I know who went couldn't see anything and got wet. Thankfully we had better weather on Monday for our village celebration which went very well: a get-together on the common with various entertainments and stalls and games for the children culminating in lighting the beacon and fireworks in the evening. God Save the Queen.

We've had a really quiet and uneventful half term: it has been raining and P has been on a pre-retirement course. Basically J and I have been at home all week apart from going to coffee morning, I went round Waitrose with P (I know how to have a good time) and I went round our new friends from 'Other Church' as they had offered to pray with me. They have real faith that I'll still be healed. Yippee!!!

I switched on the computer this morning and there were pictures of the area where my brother lives being badly flooded. I phoned him and they're all ok. Really glad we didn't go there for half term. My niece is in the middle of GCSEs, seem to be going ok.

Talking of GCSEs we were told ages ago that J would be doing a Maths GCSE module on Monday and I'd entered it on my phone. When I saw it today I suddenly panicked and was asking J about it and he was looking blank and he texted his friends and they didn't know anything about it. Eventually I found, in the depths of the Maths section on the school website, where it said that it was different for this year's Year 9s and they had to do all the exams in Year 11. I think it might have been good if they'd sent an email to tell us this. I think the school works on the basis that parents forget everything they're told so we'd all have forgotten about it anyway.

What J says is 'Yay!'

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