
Saturday 18 December 2010

Yet more snow!

Can't believe it's over a week since I blogged & here we are with more snow. Yesterday we only had a sprinkling whereas where my brother lives in Wales they had a foot. He phoned me yesterday for advice on buying his daughter's present & said he was working in the North of England & wasn't sure if he'd get home. My dad phoned this morning & said my brother hadn't got home & wasn't answering his phone & his family were snowed in which made me feel quite worried about them all. Meanwhile I was also getting a bit concerned as we had a power cut yesterday & I thought if we had a bad one our only heating is electric so what would we do? So we headed off to B&Q & got one of their last 3 portable gas heaters then on the way home popped into Tescos at which point it started snowing with a vengeance. We had a very long slow journey home during which my brother texted to say he was 300 miles from home & not sure if he'd make it or not. I told him it might be best to book into somewhere but not sure what he has done.
Like everyone else our Christmas plans are all up in the air. J is the narrator in the nativity at church tomorrow, he & P can walk down if necesary but don't know if I'll make it. We're also meant to be having an old lady from church for lunch, don't know if she'll make it.
Feel really sorry for those people stuck at the airport.

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