
Wednesday 15 April 2015

Hot and cold

Been a bit unwell - can't seem to shake off this cold. Yesterday I went out all bundled up in a polo-neck, coat and woolly scarf while everyone else was in t-shirts and summer dresses. Weather has been lovely - just like summer.

Solar heating still not fixed - man can't come until next Tuesday. He's made a career out of going round fixing leaking solar systems which says something I think. The real problem with ours is that it's a bit too efficient at producing hot water and when we're away and not using the water the pressure gets too high and a pipe springs a leak. What we need is a permanent solution to this. Or else we never go away.

J been on another uni trip today, well it was a day hosted by one uni but there were representatives from several others speaking. He wasn't at all impressed with host uni but says he picked up several tips about the application process and personal statement.

"What were they?" I asked.
"Can't remember. I know them but I can't remember them if you know what I mean."

No, actually I haven't the faintest clue what you mean.

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