
Tuesday 19 November 2013

A busy week

J had viral gastroenteritis and was unwell for most of the week but is better now. He has his mock GCSEs soon and I sort of feel he should be doing some revision but he doesn't seem keen. Sigh.

I was anxious about him being ill not just for his sake ( I hate my boy being sick) but also I was due to go on a healing retreat from Tuesday to Thursday last week. He was better but on Monday morning I fell getting out of the bath and I thought that was it I wasn't going but it seemed like nothing was broken (although my hip is still painful).

The retreat was awesome - a real encounter with God but very challenging as well. Dealing with the whole issue of loving myself, not easy.

Time seems to have flown by since I got back and we're expecting people for dinner. It's one of those really frustrating moments - asked P to light candle and he spent 20 mins looking for hs lighter and I'm thinking 'Just use a match'. Ah it's lit now, table looks quite good - red roses, red napkins, flickering candle-light.

Just praying evening goes well.

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