
Monday 23 March 2020

We have to take this seriously

So things have escalated. J developed a dry cough on Friday and has been very tired and a bit achey so is self isolating. Feeling a bit better today. Is it Coronavirus or not? No way of telling but have been doing lots of praying.

On Friday as I got into bed I had a sudden strong urge to cough. Wanting to protect P I held my breath, grabbed some bedding and headed to the living room. Soon realised that it was in fact a bad acid reflux attack. Think propped up on sofa, still awake at 4.30 am, guzzling Gaviscon.The cause of this, I think, was having eaten some melon.

I haven't even been outside the door for three days and after Boris's update this evening I'm not going very far. I do need to make  an effort to go into the garden though.

I can cope with this if I take one day at a time. I think.

We have to take this seriously.

All of us.

We really do.

We have to stay away from other people.

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