
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Virtual's not the same

A lot's been happening in our world and in our nation. It still feels like a bad dream.

And I've been staying at home and staying at home and staying at home... I did have a little scoot round the garden today though.

We had virtual church on Sunday which is good but not quite the same somehow. And I've been to a virtual coffee morning which I didn't enjoy very much. Zoom is great but I always go kind of shy on it and I don't find it very easy. When someone asked how I was and I said J had possibly had the virus and two other family members as well but they were recovering and we were fine and P was clearing out the loft and bringing boxes down for me to sort and some were unopened since our house move in 2002 there was a silence.

 Was it boring or did words fail them?

 I don't know.

 Everyone was saying how bored they are but I'm not. I've got a lot of praying to do and messaging friends and family to do and reading to do and learning German to do and sorting boxes to do... 

Lonely in a way yes, missing seeing people yes, missing going shopping and to coffee shops and cafés and theatres and cinemas yes.

 Bored no.

Don't think I'll go to virtual coffee morning again anyway.