
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The next step

We have now applied for a place for J in the sixth form at his current school. Wants to do Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Glad he's chosen nice easy subjects.

Struggling today

J was off school Monday went back yesterday but while P was getting our coffee in Costa at the end of a shopping trip the school nurse phoned. He's been off again today but hopefully will go back tomorrow. Meanwhile his Graphics teacher is panicking about his coursework so he's had to do some even though he's been feeling rough. 

Today I've just felt awful, not in any way I can explain, just awful. Didn't sleep well last night. Tomorrow I've got dental and hospital appointments.

Yesterday and the day before I was praising God nearly non-stop but today I'm so tired and it's all just been a bit too much. 

I'm still trusting Him though, just in an exhausted way. I know He loves us and things will work out for us somehow.

I'm glad I've got friends who are praying for us.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Well done J!

Well done J - very good mock results: A* in Maths, Physics and Chem, A in German and Graphics, B in Biology, Art, RE, English Language and Literature. Yes! He got a B in English!!! 
Doctor says he has got sinusitis. Antibiotics seem to be helping and this afternoon felt well enough to go and see Gravity.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Why is J ill so often?

J has had a headache for the last few days, I suspect it may be sinusitis following his cold so it's off to the doctor after school.

I was looking back through my January blog entries and in 2011 I was asking 'Why does J get so many illnesses?' I'm still asking. We make him eat vegetables and take vitamins. He's getting really fed up with it himself now and it's not good when he's trying to keep up with GCSE work. His attendance figures are the worst they've ever been.

He saw a paediatrician about it once who said it was because he was an only child with a disabled mother. Thanks. That really helped.

Hope he's done ok

What I'm thinking is that I wish I had come to some arrangement with J whereby he would text me his exam results so I wouldn't have to wait until we pick him up. 

Not that I'm that bothered or anything.

J if you read this (which you probably won't cos it's boring) even if you've got all Us I still love you to bits.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Tomorrow J gets his mock GCSE results. I feel ridiculously nervous.

Sorry about my boring life

J says my blog is boring and he's right. Perhaps I should sign up for some bungee-jumping or parachuting and make it a bit more exciting.

So back to my mundane every-day existence. This morning was one of those mornings I wasn't sure I could actually face the day but P gave me a hug and I knew we had to go and get Mavis and take her to the coffee morning so I forced myself to get a grip. We picked up Mavis, she got in the car and promptly fell out again! She wasn't injured but her glasses were broken. As she said, she has a lot of padding.

So that's it, this morning I managed to get out of my door, Mavis fell out of our car, I drank some fruit tea and tried to persuade Mavis that the health insurance she's got isn't worth it (apart from anything else she doesn't know how to make a claim, she has a host of pre-existing conditions and there's a £500 excess, she's paying £91 a month for this). I came home had sardines on toast and tried to encourage a friend on facebook who's probably depressed. I've also been praying about the Syrian peace talks and for J who's at school but still not well (why does he get so much illness?) and I've tried to tidy up a bit.

Ok end of boring morning.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Sunday & Monday

Good time at church yesterday. Visiting speaker has husband in a wheelchair who sat next to me, nice to talk to another disabled Christian. He injured his back at work 35 years ago. Such a positive person, he and his wife go on missions abroad despite his disability. Had a really powerful time of worship, we seem to just slip into the presence of God so easily at our church. Talk was quite challenging for me - about expecting miracles but coping with the disappointment when they don't happen or not as quickly as we hoped and not letting the disappointment send us into disbelief.

Afterwards we went out for lunch with three of the others. I had 'seafood in thermidor sauce' which was very nice but filling, couldn't finish it. In the evening we went to a unity service.

Poor J has yet another cold but went to school today, dosed up with paracetamol.

Today I went for a 'walk' on 'monster mean machine' my big scooter but couldn't get very far cos mud so bad.

Got to school early to pick up J. He was 'playing football' which in his case seemed to involve standing on the sidelines talking, occasionally moving to get out of the way if the ball came too close. A chip off the old block.

Title to this post typed by J who keeps coughing on me.

Friday, 17 January 2014


So what's been happening recently:

We had some men come and work on our drains, this involved me answering the door quite dopily at 8 am to be greeted by a lorry driver saying 'Where do you want this 20 tonnes of ballast?' I anxiously watched him reverse down our drive and get stuck by my scooter shed. To my relief P got back from school at that moment.

I fell in the bath and have a painful back and neck.

J was ill, got better and now has another cold.

Have had a lot of rain. Roads were flooded on way to school this morning causing J to be late. 'Garden' is a quagmire.

I have had a toothache on and off for some time, last couple of weeks has been a lot worse. Gave in and went to dentist today. Pretty horrendous time. My mouth is very small, I have some issues with opening my jaw, tooth was very complicated - apparently canals had 'sunk into the pulp'. Yikes. Apparently problem is that upper tooth has a sticking out bit which has been damaging lower tooth when I bite, cracking it and forcing it further down into my jaw. He took out 3 nerves today and patched it up but I have to go back again for more treatment.

Good thing that happened: went out for nice meal at Pizza Express on Weds and they've started doing risotto - yum.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Hospital appointment

Today I had a hospital appointment about the osteoporosis. (It spelt osteoporosis just like that!) I was really not looking forward to it because in the summer I had an appointment which turned out to be dire. This was in a different hospital and it happened to be on the day that a) they were starting a new computer system and b) the new junior doctors starting.

I have severe osteoporosis and had recently had a bone scan that showed that my spine had deteriorated further. Obviously it was appropriate that I should see a junior doctor whose knowledge about osteoporosis seemed to have been gathered from Google just before I came into the room. He started entering my data into a calculation designed to assess my risk of further fractures. For some reason he kept arguing with me, refusing to believe that I had broken my ribs because 'you can't break ribs that easily', somehow missing the point that with osteoporosis yes you can break them that easily. He also refused to accept that the fact my dad has  severe osteoporosis is of any significance. When converting my height of 5 foot seven to metric he googled 'what is 57 inches in centimetres?' P and I were actually so astonished that we didn't say anything. anyway at the end of it all you said you have got any risk of fracture at all I don't know why you're here spent several minutes telling me I should be there all. He then said he would get his consultants to just check his calculations. His consultant spent several minutes telling me that I shouldn't be there at all and there was nothing wrong with me and rib fractures don't count (they do if they're your ribs). He then very quickly checked the figures and said 'Oh you've entered a plus four instead of a minus four'. Instantly I went from being no risk to be very high risk. The consultant that gave me a prescription for a drug called strontium  saying 'that will be fine as long as you haven't any mobility problems, in which case it could cause blood clots'. 'You are standing next to her wheelchair' said P. 'Oh well as long as you're not bed-bound it'll be fine.'

Well would you be happy with that? 

'I never want to go to that hospital again,' I said to my GP.
So today I went to a different hospital. It was light years apart from my experience previously. The doctor seemed to know what she was talking about and has put me on another drug which is an injection every six months which she did there and then in my back (which is a strange place to have an injection).

So that was good anyway.

Voice recognition and Windows 8 trials


I am having a lot of trouble trying to use this voice recognition system. The only way it will get any better is to keep using it  so it gets used my voice. When I was using it on the laptop I kept getting error messages which seems to be an incompatibility between the system,  Windows 8, and Adobe Flash player. This was no surprise to J who blames most of the problems in the world on Windows 8. He would probably even say that the floods and storms are somehow due to Windows 8. Anyway he did a complicated correction and yesterday it worked okay but today it isn't. Therefore I am using the desktop is very very slow at loading.

I am determined to keep going and will write another post.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Voice recognition

 Hello. of lobsters had fun lakes were even new W event of lobsters had fun lakes were even new and then it is a W event of lobsters had fun lakes and even you and then it is a W I am trying to use my voice article  voice recognitionsystem here in.

Perhaps there is a bit of a way to go stop. But I don't think I can type any more unless I use it stop.

My sore throat is getting better stop. It hasn't been much of a fun New Year really but it must have been much worse for all those people whose homes have been flooded. Yesterday I saw one of my favourite places, the prom at Aberystwyth, being battered to bits by the waves.I phoned my brother and apparently where they live it hardly affected them at all and it was quite a nice sunny day.

I hope you have a very happy new year anyway.