
Sunday, 30 December 2012

Dismal days but still trusting

Hospital appointment dismal. Yes I have got arthritis but doctor not sure which type. Hadn't got blood test results or x-ray which she should have had. Suggested I have ultrasound which sounded fine - except next appointment not until March. Had more blood tests and to have some physio. When got into car just sat and cried. 

 This morning in church gave testimony which I meant to sound positive - I'm trusting God and I know He loves me in spite of everything but ended up with everyone looking at me with tragical expressions, some actually gave shocked gasps and I really wish I'd kept my mouth shut. Only good thing is two women going through hard time themselves seem to feel they can talk to me.

P and I played Monopoly with J this afternoon, he slaughtered us. Wondering if he might have a career in finance. During game I reached for a chance card at same moment as J reached to get it for me and he touched my finger. Pain was so bad I screamed and felt so bad - it wasn't his fault. 

Have sore throat today, P getting over a cold.

Really not in anyway feeling good. Keep trusting God. 


Thursday, 27 December 2012


So much has happened since I blogged back in October. I've read the last few posts I wrote then and I can't believe what I was capable of doing then because I can't do all that stuff now. I really can't do much at all now. My hands have deteriorated so much I can hardly use them. I think it's obvious now that I've got some sort of arthritis, I've got an out-patient appointment very soon, hopefully they'll be able to do something. Anyway I'm trusting in God, He's going to get me through this.

We left our old church on November 4th. We both gave a goodbye speech. I'd planned what I was going to say, which was thank you and I'll miss you then I felt God was saying to tell them about my illness and how He's been leading me through it and how I still believe He's going to heal me. I think this was a bit difficult for our minister as he doesn't believe any more that I'm going to be healed but if I felt God was saying to say it then I had to say it. Afterwards two women who were visiting, as it was also Becky and her husband's 25th anniversary, came up to me and said how much what I'd said had impacted them. One who's not a Christian but doing an Alpha Course said she felt it helped her understand God better. Wow.

A lady from my housegroup had made us a lovely cake, the top looked just like a Bible, it was amazing and I was so touched. What was a bit embarrassing was that everyone expected me to cry and for some reason I didn't. I still see quite a lot of the people anyway as I still go to the coffee morning, went to their Christmas lunch, met up with the housegroup for breakfast, went back for the nativity at which J lit the Advent candle and like I said we were there Christmas Day.

Meanwhile the new church is going fine. The launch went really well although it was very hard for me as unbelievably while I was getting ready to go a family member phoned out of the blue and picked a fight with me. So I spent the launch trying not to cry. Then I wasn't able to attend the first service as I'd gone down with norovirus (which is the pits). Since then, apart fom the struggle with my hands, it's been going well. On Sunday there is going to be an opportunity for sharing and testimony and I'm wondering if I dare do mine. Do I? If I chicken out I'll have to confess it here.    

Fancy a walk?

P, just finishing lunch of left-over turkey and Christmas pud: 'Fancy walking down to the village with me J?'
J: 'No way, it's cold, it's going to rain, it's too far and I don't feel like a walk.'


P: 'It's Adam on the phone for you J.'

A couple of minutes later:

J: 'Adam and Tim want me to walk down the village and meet them, I'm off ok?'

Bye J.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas!!!

My dear son bought me a stylus as a present so here I am tapping with it.

It's so nice to be back on the blog though not sure how long can go on tapping. Voice recognition was a bit hard work and frustrating.

Have had a nice Christmas, just us and Mavis yesterday.P cooked really nice dinner - turkey and trimmings. Becky had given me a beautiful table flower arrangement she had made so table looked lovely - all red and gold. Spoke to my brother, his partner and my older niece on skype. Younger niece busy watching Strictly which I had to record as flashing lights could cause Mavis to have a fit. Now I'm watching Downton on catch-up at same time as doing this and eating Celebrations (although I only really like Bounty ones).

Have had lots and lots of rain, roads quite flooded yesterday.

Went to our old church for Christmas service yesterday. Nice to see everyone. (New church didn't have Christmas Day service, there was a midnight service at the main church but I knew P and J would be like two bears with sore heads yesterday if they'd been). New associate minister, who is very nice, led service at old church, did very well. Only thing was they didn't have my favourite carol - Hark the Herald Angels. Never mind.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Hello, can you hear me?

This is me trying out a voice recognition system. It is taking a bit of time to train it to recognise what I say. A big problem is that it doesn't recognise when I say full stop except it did that time. Okay I am going to see if this works.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Not Liz for a while :(

Hello this is somebody typing for Liz.
She has a problem with her fingers.
Consequently she will not be able to update this blog as much.
She is currently waiting for a hospital appointment.
She misses her blog and will hopefully be able to use a voice recognition program to help her update.