
Friday, 29 June 2012


It's that time of year again - when I'm glued to the TV watching tennis and my family complain I'm neglecting them - it's only 2 weeks boys. Can you believe Nadal is out?!! I'm watching Federer at two sets down but he's fighting back in the third and who knows?

Life has been a bit hectic recently. On Friday I went for some personal prayer ministry at the healing centre I go to at Surrey. It was very helpful but I felt exhausted afterwards. On Saturday J had a Maths workshop in Suffolk. We spent the day going to a church flower festival, 'tea at the Rectory' and a village fete, accompanied by lots of tea and cake. In the evening my brother came to visit and was very pleased with our new shower. I haven't blogged about having it because I wanted it to be a surprise for him. I have to say I really like our shower. It's got a separate hand-held head and a large drench head that you stand under and feel like you're in a warm rain shower. Bliss.

 On Sunday we had church in the morning at which they announced they've got a potential assistant minister in the pipeline. In the afternoon we went to a 'churches together' in the park event then to the village flower festival where the scouts were helping with the coconut shy. P won a coconut and I got stuck in the mud in my scooter and had to be dragged out. (Embarrassing wheelchair incident number 2456).  We then went on to a worship evening at 'Other Church'.

On Monday we spent the whole day test driving cars as we are looking for a new one.

On Tuesday J was off school ill.
On Wednesday J said he felt ill but went in to do his end of year exams.

As for yesterday - that will have to wait for another post.


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A cello concert and a school play

On Saturday evening we went to a cello concert. This was in a lovely old church out in the country. The cellist was a friend of ours who was training to be a cellist but had to give up due to health problems. It was a lovely performance and an amazing atmosphere in such a historic old church. J was a bit out of place, being at least 30 years younger than everyone else in the audience. He quite enjoyed it though. Had to stop him from eating too many tortilla chips in the interval.

Last night we went to the lower school play at J's school. He's been busy painting the scenery so he got a free ticket. It was a version of 'Honk', based on 'The Ugly Duckling' and was seriously good, in fact don't tell anyone but it brought tears to my eyes in places. J's friend John had the starring role and did very well.


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Surrounded by sweets

Can you believe we actually won the football last night?


Have has a usual sort of week. Has been sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy. This morning we went to a fundraising fayre for the Old People's flats in the village. I was saying to Louise will we all end up there together one day? Bagsy I don't organise the Bingo. J in his role as a Scout was helping with the sweet stall while some of the other Scouts organised the car parking in totally manic fashion. P won the 'Guess How Many Sweets In The Jar' competition so we now have a jar of 409 sweets. He also won a large box of Liquorice Allsorts and J won a large bag and a jar of sweets. Before this we had bought two cakes and had had some cake there. What about my diet? Too much temptation. P also won a box ot teenage perfumes which we immediately gave away and a jigsaw in a pink box with kittens on it. Couldn't find anyone to take that, charity shop here I come.

Been out tidying the garden for quite a while but now it's very windy and beginning to rain. Somebody offered us some chickens today, as in ones to rear, but won't be ready for a while.


Thursday, 14 June 2012


The sun is shining! Out to do a little bit in the garden.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


Last night should have been a great big combined Jubilee party for the Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Brownies with games outside. But it was cancelled. Due to the rain. Lots and lots of rain. So it was Scouts as normal with party food at the part-time break.

This rain seems to be going on and on for ever.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Jubilee,floods in Wales and the GCSE that isn't happening

What a wet week we have had! Really glad we didn't go up to London on Sunday to watch the Jubilee Pageant, people I know who went couldn't see anything and got wet. Thankfully we had better weather on Monday for our village celebration which went very well: a get-together on the common with various entertainments and stalls and games for the children culminating in lighting the beacon and fireworks in the evening. God Save the Queen.

We've had a really quiet and uneventful half term: it has been raining and P has been on a pre-retirement course. Basically J and I have been at home all week apart from going to coffee morning, I went round Waitrose with P (I know how to have a good time) and I went round our new friends from 'Other Church' as they had offered to pray with me. They have real faith that I'll still be healed. Yippee!!!

I switched on the computer this morning and there were pictures of the area where my brother lives being badly flooded. I phoned him and they're all ok. Really glad we didn't go there for half term. My niece is in the middle of GCSEs, seem to be going ok.

Talking of GCSEs we were told ages ago that J would be doing a Maths GCSE module on Monday and I'd entered it on my phone. When I saw it today I suddenly panicked and was asking J about it and he was looking blank and he texted his friends and they didn't know anything about it. Eventually I found, in the depths of the Maths section on the school website, where it said that it was different for this year's Year 9s and they had to do all the exams in Year 11. I think it might have been good if they'd sent an email to tell us this. I think the school works on the basis that parents forget everything they're told so we'd all have forgotten about it anyway.

What J says is 'Yay!'

Friday, 1 June 2012


How can it be Friday already?

Two highlights of this week have been going to the christening of Becky's granddaughters on Sundayand J's school concert on Tuesday. The christening went very well and it was a lovely sunny day. Both children looked lovely and neither cried at all except the older one because she didn't want the cake to be cut up. Understandable really, it did look very pretty.

The concert was really very good. There are some very talented pupils including a piano prodigy in Year7 who played his own composition and was amazing. J played in the steel pans group which went well. His friend John sang a solo which was very good. All in all a very enjoyable evening.

On Wednesday went to Becky's for lunch-smoked salmon, cream cheese and cucumber rolls. Really nice to just sit in the garden in the sun.

Have been busy clearing out our bedroom (one of my New Year resolutions). I've been watching that programme 'The Hoarder Next Door' which has really inspired me. Bit by bit it is getting better. The other day though I took a bag of stuff to the charity shop and ended up buying a jigsaw and some books and came out with almost as much stuff as I took in. Sigh.
Have also been planning P's retirement do at work, getting in caterers for about 50 people. Food looks yummy. I think I'm going to be sitting serving drinks.

 The baby blackbirds disappeared, probably ended up as a meal for a jay or magpie.