
Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Back at school

J went back to school today. Hooray!

I went to coffee morning this morning and now I'm just lazing around because my foot was feeling better this morning but it's feeling like I do too much it'll give way again.

That MOT certificate must be somehwere.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Not a good day

Bad, bad, bad day today. J still off school. My left foot has almost given up any pretence of being able to walk and I can't find our MOT certificate which is no surprise as every year we have a desperate last minute hunt for the MOT certificate.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

J ill again

Can you believe J is sick again? He's been in bed all weekend saying he feels terrible. He should be doing a Maths paper and revising for his Biology test and is he even going to make it to school tomorrow?

What's going on? Why is he getting ill so often? I just don't know.

Sermon at church today about belonging to church and how it's being part of a family and it's where you get help and encouragement. Good sermon but as someone who doesn't have any extended family living nearby I don't feel church ever quite makes up for that really. It's not like having a Mum. 

At coffee time someone was handing round a box of chocolates in a beautiful red velvet box. Apparently a client at work had given them to him. I looked them up on the web afterwards - they cost £120! P you're in the wrong job.

P had made yummy chicken dish in the slow cooker for lunch. This afternoon I've just been lounging around and thinking that tomorrow the Pastoral Care Team are coming so I'll have to tidy up.

Some good news: in the local paper it said that the woman involved in the accident on our road the other night had to be cut out of her car but wasn't seriously injured. That's really nice to know.

Have actually been doing some of my knitting. 

Feel like going to sleep.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Sharing my shed

Dear little field mouse

I have no problem with sharing my scooter shed with you. If you want to live in a nest of dead leaves in the corner and sit and eat acorns that's fine by me. I'll even overlook the fact you chewed a hole in the wall in order to get in.

But I do have a bit of an issue with you having chewed a great big hole in the waterproof cover for my scooter. You see when I bought the scooter they threw in the cover for free but to buy a new one is about £80 (daylight robbery, talk about exploiting disabled people). This is why I don't think it's entirely suitable for nesting material and I've taken it out of the shed. I might be really generous and put a few rags in there for you.

Love Liz 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Parents' evening

Had email from J's Head of Year saying the bully boy has been 'dealt with' and he and his parents have been warned about 'further consequences' if there are any more incidents. Really, really hope there are no more incidents. J's rib getting better, cutting down painkillers now but he missed football today (so upset).

Tonight was parents' evening and when we were talking to J's History teacher the Head of Year whom we've never seen before was at the next table. I could see her looking at me and probably thinking 'There's that stroppy hysterical woman and I didn't know she was in a wheelchair' and I kept sneaking looks at her and thinking 'She doesn't look anything like I thought she did' cos she doesn't, I thought she was quite young but she's about my age. 

We'd only got 5 teacher appointments cos J said that's all he could get (strange how they're all his best subjects). They all gave very good reports about him and all want him to do GCSE in their subjects. P certainly wasn't keen on the ICT teacher's suggestion that he do Media Studies. She didn't look all that happy when he said ICT GCSE was 'rubbish'. I said to him that ok it might be true but it is her career after all and she is very nice so he didn't have to say it in front of her.

Afterwards we went to Pizza Express where I shared bruschetta with P then my usual Pollo Pesto and Semi Freddo with decaff cappuccino. Yum. P had goat's cheesesalad and gu hot chocolate and J managed to put away dough balls, Romano Pizza and Chocolate Glory. It was ever so crowded in there. There were only 2 waitresses cos they only usually have about 5 tables on a Thursday but it was packed out, even turning people away.

I have to go to bed, have action packed day tomorrow filling in tax return and doing car tax on-line.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Is the charger unplugged?

This is a reminder to myself - before you drive your mobility scooter make sure it is unplugged from the charger.

Not a very good day

Feeling low today, think all the bullying thing got to me. The housegroup was discussing death which didn't cheer me up a great deal and there's all this terrible business about the cruise liner sinking, it's so awful. 

Got home and really didn't know what to do with myself then Becky and my brother both phoned, nice to have them to talk to. The thing with the bullying thing is I don't know what's happening, I don't know if the boy got punished and what they're doing to stop it happening again. Having a desperately trying to trust God crisis.

J in a bit of pain when I picked him up.

This evening P was home very late and shortly after he got in J's friend Tim arrived. There'd been a terrible accident just up the road so their buses couldn't get through and Tim couldn't get all the way home. He stayed here until the traffic cleared then P drove him home.

Horrible to think that someone's possibly been killed on our road this evening. 

Monday, 16 January 2012

Off we go to the dentist

I'm not saying this because I'm horrible and uncaring or anything but the last time P needed any dental treatment was about 20 years ago and I can't remember the last time I went to the dentist and didn't need something done and he does tend to gloat about it but today he went in carrying his tooth which fell apart when he bit into a slice of bread and I got a clean bill of health. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!

I did sort of rejoice a bit in the surgery and I think the dentist thinks I'm a bit weird but that's just fine by me. I've got healthy teeth, well sort of healthy apart from all the fillings and the receding gums, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

If I was single and twenty or so years longer I think I would seriously like our dentist because he's really nice unlike our previous one who was definitely a bit strange. I mean if you tell your dentist you've broken your tooth and he replies 'That's because you're in love. You're too busy loving to concentrate on what you're eating' what are you supposed to think? I tell you what I thought: 'Get me out of here'. I never went back. They have a huge sign outside now advertising for new patients.

Visit to casualty

I'm writing less about J these days for two reasons: 1) he's getting older and is entitled to his privacy and 2) sometimes he reads my blog. I've just asked his permission to write about what happened that caused us to spend Sunday afternoon in casualty and he shrugged and said 'Don't mind'.

At school there has been another boy bothering him and on Tuesday while J was waiting to go into his music lesson he grabbed him, picked him up and then dropped him so his chin hit his shoulder. Nice. His and our main concern was about his teeth which hurt a bit but they seemed to be ok and otherwise he seemed alright. Then he got this illness and chest pain thing. On Saturday afternoon the pain in his chest localised in his ribs and suddenly we thought 'Boy picking him up. Pain in chest. Connection?' On Sunday the pain got worse and he was still short of breath so I called the emergency doctor who said take him to A&E to get checked out. So off we went. The receptionist went into a bit of a panic when we said 'chest pain' and thought 'cardiac arrest' but the nurse said 'Don't be silly' or words to that effect. So we sat in the paediatric waiting area among all the babies and toddlers with our 6 footer.

The staff were really nice. They dosed him up with painkillers after which he was able to get a good peak flow reading and did some other tests. They concluded that he has an injury to his ribs - bruised, possibly cracked but as his lung function tests were normal they weren't going to do an x ray so just give him painkillers. They were making all these jokes about how doing some washing up or ironing would help and next time just kick the bully and I was saying no way you get 'sanctioned' if you do that sort of thing. There was all this really loud laughter coming out of the room as we opened the door and the people in the waiting room looked at us in astonishment.

Anyway he's gone back to school today, suitably drugged up and seems to be ok. SAid it hurt a bit when painkillers wore off. Will have to miss cross-country running - he's devastated (not).

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Breathing problems

For the last few weeks I've been feeling short of breath. I don't remember if I blogged about this but I had this before in the summer and the doctor sent me to casualty and we hung around for hours and they did all sorts of tests and they didn't find anything and in the end it just went away. Anyway on Thursday I already had a doctor's appointment for something else and I decided I would mention the breathing instead (he will not deal with more than one problem in one appointment). Then J who had been complaining of feeling ill said he was short of breath as well. I phoned the doctors and they said I could bring him along too. J also started complaining of pain in his chest. Scary or what? Anyway he listened to our chests etc but nothing wrong. Then he did a peak flow test and we both had really low readings. He sent us both away with inhalers to try but I was thinking if I had asthma I honestly think I'd have noticed it by now and they didn't seem to make any difference. The big problem was J was meant to go camping with the scouts for the weekend. The doctore said bring him back yesterday morning and he would decide if he was fit enough. Yesterday J's peak flow was still low so he put him on a nebuliser to see if it made a difference and it didn't so he said it can't be asthma. J was getting a runny nose by then and when I phoned the school the year 9 administrator said there's a nasty virus going round so perhaps that's what he's got. J got in a panic about going to camp as it's some distance away and he was worried about getting really ill away from home and also it's an activity camp with a lot of running around in the cold air so he didn't go which is a mega shame. We'd bought him a new sleeping bag and thermal 'base layers' specially. Boo boo boo.

Last night I couldn't sleep well because I couldn't breathe properly. I don't feel virusey so what's wrong with me? J meanwhile seems brighter this morning but says his chest still hurts.

Honestly I'm fed up with illness.

Still trusting God though. One day this all will be better.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Cherry blossom

It's been so warm today. When I took J to school this morning I noticed the cherry blossom was out. In January! This weather is seriously strange. 

Yesterday I didn't feel very well and this morning still wasn't too good. My housegroup was going out to breakfast and I wasn't sure I would go but I decided to in the end. Had a nice time but someone gave me a lift and shortly after I got into the car I remembered that last time she gave me a lift I'd resolved never to get in her car again. I'm not sure she changes gear at all and going over the speed humps I was seriously worried I might get an osteoporotic fracture.

Anyway food was very nice and good to get together again. 

I'm saying this just for my own benefit and sorry to be mysterious but today I finished something I've been working on for ages but can't tell you about but it was very satisfying to get to the end.
Beautiful sky this evening all sort of dappled with pink and grey and blue with flashes of golden light peeping through.


Saturday, 7 January 2012

Quick update

  • My brother had a horrendous journey due to fallen trees and closed motorways so was very tired. We had a good time with him though. Yesterday morning we watched my video of Mum together and then the very funny video of my older niece being very bossy with J and a friend. She was 4 and the boys 2. The funny thing is the boys just taking it and not standing up for themselves at all.
  • We no longer have a greenhouse.
  • P is definitely being made redundant and will finish in June. Whether this will turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing don't know at the moment. If he could get a part time job/consultancy work it would be good. He will probably end up with more money than if he had taken early retirement. It does feel a bit strange though because we just never thought that it would happen.
  • I'm doing well with my resolutions. At our Saturday morning weigh-in we'd both lost a pound which is pretty amazing because there's been a lot of chocolate eating going on round here lately.


Thursday, 5 January 2012

219 blog entries last year!

Just realised that last year had record number of blog entries. Can feel another resolution coming on...

Remember to write about the wedding

This is the church where the wedding we we went to was held. I'm putting this on to remind me to write about the wedding. It was an amazing day and I don't want to forget it.

Wild weather

Weather here seriously wild - strong winds and rain. Our greenhouse is trying to imitate the Leaning Tower of Pisa and a lot of the glass is broken. On the way home a tree had fallen half away across the main road, must have only just happened as traffic hadn't got too bad. As soon as I got in I reported it as it would take no time at all to turn into a serious traffic jam.

Hope things improve as my brother is travelling to see us today. Really looking forward to seeing him. Sort of feeling I should be getting house ready instead of being on computer. Perhaps I should go and load dishwasher and put on washing machine and all that stuff.

I might just see if I can find a picture to post first, haven't put any pictures on for a while.

More resolutions

Resolution 11) Remember to water plants regularly
                   12) Finish knitting cardigan 

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A walk and some old videos

Yesterday we (as in P and I) decided to go for a New Year's walk. He charged up my scooter, we dragged resident couch-potato teenager away from computer and set off. It was a sunny day but wind was a bit chilly and I was glad I was well wrapped up. Teenager trudged along, head-down, moaning all the way that he wanted to go home. This made it really not very enjoyable at all. Was remembering walks we had when he was a toddler when he would be running excitedly from side to side. Sigh. Turned out P had planned a much longer circular walk than J and I had envisaged but as my scooter charge was dropping and I couldn't take much more moaning and I wasn't sure scooter could get through on path he was thinking of I persuaded him to turn round after what I felt was a reasonable length. Teenager then had hot chocolate and brownie which probably cancelled out all benefits of walk.

Brownie was left over from Pudding and Prayer evening we went to at 'other church' on Sunday evening which was brilliant. 

Found some old videos which we watched last night -some of J and my nieces when they were little - so cute (he was really embarrassed) also one of our holiday in France when I was recovering after being ill the first time. I had so much more energy and could walk further than I can now, really strange watching myself. At the end of that one was a very short video of my parents which was the only one I ever took of them and was just 2 weeks before Mum died suddenly. I hadn't watched it for years and it just felt really weird. People always said Mum had a really strong Irish accent but I never noticed it but last night for the first time I did. Strange.

New Year's Eve

Anyway Happy New Year, hope it's a good one for you.

On New Year's Eve J and I went to the party round Becky's house. This consisted of 3 sections: what Becky's husband called 'the old fogeys' which was us grown ups, Tim and J playing computer games upstairs and a group of late teens/early twenties in another room getting drunk. There really was a bit too much getting drunk for comfort.

When I went into the grown-ups room a mother and daughter had the baby and were passing her back and forwards saying 'I don't know what to do with babies'.  Baby meanwhile was going 'Waaaah'.  Anyway I took baby, gave her her bottle, burped her and got her to sleep in my arms. Wow.

Quite a good evening but I can't take late nights any more.


Last night I felt a bit dizzy and couldn't get to sleep. At about 2 o'clock in the morning I had the idea of taking a travel sickness tablet. This sent me to sleep ok but at 10.30 I was still asleep and now at 3 pm I still feel rotten. Is it the tablet or am I really not well? I don't know.

My Dad just phoned to see if we are alright in the storm and I thought 'What storm?' I went out on my scooter for some fresh air and yes there was water everywhere and it was quite windy. J is hoping his school is flooded so he doesn't have to go back. In his dreams.